Case Study

Using Vero on the example of a retail and service point - printing house COPIO

Using Vero on the example of a retail and service point - printing house COPIO
Using Vero on the example of a retail and service point - printing house COPIO

Case Study

Using Vero on the example of a retail and service point - printing house COPIO

Comprehensive POS kit in one devic
Small and compact
The cheapest solution on the market


Sulejowek, Poland


Service activities and retail



About the Międzymiastowa Restaurant

COPIO Printing and Copying Centre is an express digital printing house, located in Sulejówek. The company is a combination of a production studio - graphic design - and a printing house. It provides its services to both private clients and companies or large institutions. Due to the small space of the point and its specifics, the printer was looking for a solution that combined the necessary sales tools in one, and at the same time took up little space and was competitively priced, compared to traditional POS kits.

Given the nature of the print shop's work, where speed is particularly important, the company was also looking for tools that would streamline its operations, provide fast customer service and easy payment acceptance, optimising the entire process. Also important was the ability to configure any payment methods, which would then print on the receipts. In addition, the sales system sought had to guarantee the possibility of entering an unlimited number of products into it, due to the printer's extensive range.


In response to the needs of the COPIO print shop, we decided to implement the Posnet Vero device together with the GoPOS system.

Vero - All in One comprehensive kit

Combination of fiscal printer, POS platform, GoPOS sales system that also provides integration with payment terminal.

GoPOS sales system

The implemented Posnet Vero, combining online fiscal printer, POS sales platform, installed GoPOS sales application, which also provides integration with a payment terminal, has significantly reduced space at the point. The device fitted perfectly into the small space of the print shop and fits seamlessly alongside other machines or extensive graphic file handling equipment.

The Vero also reduced the high costs associated with buying traditional kit. The printer cost only £999 to purchase and the company pays a corresponding software subscription on top of this.

GoPOS sales system

The GoPOS sales system has significantly accelerated the printer's operations. It provided fast customer service, and its intuitiveness and ease of use made it easy to enter the necessary data. The integration with the payment terminal has also been a great improvement. This allows the value of the bill to be transferred immediately to the device, which reduces mistakes and speeds up the entire payment process.

Quote mark

Vero with the GoPOS software has significantly accelerated and streamlined the entire purchasing process. This applies to both direct sales at our service point and the preparation and handling of shipping orders prepared in the warehouse. The touchscreen system makes it very easy to manage a large number of variants, shipping methods and payment types. Combining the issuing of orders and fiscal receipts with the appropriate payment type in one device is fast and very convenient. The system is easy to use, scalable and allows the rapid deployment of additional staff. I can definitely recommend GoPOS flexible software regardless of the industry. In our case it works perfectly.

Paweł Szar
The owner of the COPIO printing works

Configure any payment methods

The GoPOS system introduced has allowed configuration of any payment methods. The printer can now create many different types, such as cash on delivery or bank transfer, and the specified payment methods also print on receipts. As a result, regardless of the method of sale, the company can from now on seamlessly issue the corresponding receipts with information about the customer's chosen payment method.

Rich assortment of printers mapped in the system

Options to add variants to individual products and the ability to enter an unlimited number of items into the software still proved to be desirable functionality of the system. The print shop's extensive product range, including numerous services as well as retail sales, had to be properly reflected in the sales system. With so many options for individual services or product sales, the software had to guarantee that all options could be entered into the application. With GoPOS, the printer can now configure an unlimited number of products and any number of product variants.

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Key benefits of Vero for retail outlets such as bakeries

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