Account for your staff faster. Supervise employees from anywhere and store all the data you need conveniently, in the secure cloud. Give them any permissions and control when they start and stop working with a modern app.
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Check out the tools available in GoPOS and see how easily and efficiently you can manage your staff.
Save up to 40 hours per month on payroll and generate payroll reports automatically.
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Meldowanie do pracy
Are your employees starting work 15 minutes late? On a monthly basis, daily lateness can result in large losses. Keep track of your staff's real working hours and only reward them for hours worked.
Get access to reports to see how much your staff are selling. Generate quick comparative reports between your staff.
Fill in the form below and a GoPOS specialist will help you choose the best solution for your business.
Are you away from your premises? Do you want to check how your staff is doing? Supervise all aspects of your business from anywhere and from any internet enabled device such as:
Check out the other tools to effectively manage your premises.
Combine the POS system with other applications you find with us and create a comprehensive platform for your business.