Case Study

Full support for the growing Montownia catering complex

Full support for the growing Montownia catering complex
Full support for the growing Montownia catering complex

Case Study

Full support for the growing Montownia catering complex

Owner time savings
Faster menu editing
Accelerate customer service by


Support for sales processes throughout the entire catering complex




Gdańsk, Poland





See how Montownia increased operational efficiency with GoPOS

Montownia is a modern gastronomic complex in the Tri-City, located in the historic hall of the Gdańsk Shipyard. Under one roof there are 17 restaurants and 3 bars offering a variety of flavors from around the world. Unique concepts include Green Egg, Curry Leaves, Sakana, Melted, Banditos and Silk&Spicy, and the space is enriched by the artistic installation Bloop by Marcin Zawicki.

From the very beginning, managing such a large complex turned out to be the answer to all needs, enabling monitoring of each premises in real time and saving time on manual preparation of reports. Also, adapting the menu to seasonal changes or lack of raw materials has become easier than ever before. The system, integrated with the payment terminal, has also accelerated the customer service process, eliminating the need to manually enter amounts, and many additional modules provided potential for software expansion in the future.

See what challenges Montownia encountered and what solutions we introduced together with the PremNet Partner to overcome them.

All premises under constant control

The Montownia gastronomic concept, which is a combination of several independent premises under one brand, was looking for a sales tool that would give the opportunity to use a uniform solution in all points. It had to ensure the possibility of creating any number of locations in the event of the creation of additional locations. Managing the entire zone was also a challenge for the owner, who wanted to gain access to detailed group analyzes of the turnover of each point. Moreover, the system had to guarantee the option of making quick changes and free editing of menus and price lists, for example in lack of certain raw materials or seasonal modifications.

GoPOS turned out to be a flexible solution for the entire complex. Thanks to the ability to add individual locations, the software enabled the implementation of a uniform system in all points. The solution also ensured efficient management of the entire complex and automated activities in the facility, eliminating the need to perform them in a traditional way - by hand. Thanks to it, the owner gained access to detailed sales data from each point - in one place. Individual analyzes are now generated in 4 hours less time compared to their manual preparation, and the owner saved up to 22 hours a month on the analysis of all statements and comparisons between premises.

Another appreciated functionality of the system is the possibility to make any changes in the menu. Employees modify menus and price lists 32% faster, and all data is sent immediately to the sales application.

Faster generation of detailed analyzes about
Saving owner's working time o
Faster editing of menus and price lists
Green dots

Fast sales and payments

Foodhalls, due to their characteristics, always attract crowds of customers. The tool you were looking for had to ensure quick sales from the moment of accepting the order to receiving the payment. It was important for the system to be integrated with a payment terminal, which would improve the final stage of accepting orders and eliminate the need to manually enter the amount into the terminal. The assembly plant also wanted the sales solution to be stable and ensure smooth operation, including offline in the event of any problems with the Internet.

The GoPOS software ensured operational stability and constant operation without interruptions. The simple operation of the system and its intuitive nature made it easier for the staff to operate - as a result, employees place orders in as little as three clicks. The GoPOS system significantly accelerated sales processes and service in individual premises, reducing the time needed for these activities by an average of 37%. The payment process has also been improved, and integration with the terminal eliminated the need to manually enter the amount into the device. Automatic information transfer allowed orders to be delivered to customers 21% faster. However, the software ensures not only fast but also error-free customer service, completely eliminating errors when accepting non-cash payments thanks to integration with the payment terminal.

Reduction of service time by
Faster order fulfillment by
Elimination of errors when paying by card

Easy to use system for everyone

Such a large catering facility as the Montownia food hall requires the employment of numerous staff, who change frequently, especially during the season. Therefore, the tool we were looking for had to be easy to use and have an intuitive interface that every employee could handle, without the need to spend time on long-term implementations.

Intuitive GoPOS software shortened the time needed to introduce new employees, reducing it by 6 hours compared to other sales solutions available on the market. Ease of use and the ability to conduct sales via graphical means Menu preview allows you to start working immediately, without the need for training in how to use the system.

Modern loyalty tools - privileges for employees and customers

An important solution for Montownia was a loyalty system that would allow for effective management of relationships with customers and staff. Thanks to the GoCRM loyalty program, Montownia can now create various discounts and grant them to employees. Additionally, the complex uses the option of prepaid cards for organized events. Modern loyalty tools thus generate additional revenues for the complex.

Possibility of any expansion

With the development of the assembly plant and depending on the needs of individual points, the solution sought also had to guarantee the possibility of any expansion with additional modules providing additional functionalities.

The choice of the GoPOS system provided an opportunity for flexible software expansion for further applications in the future. One of the catering establishments has already used the GoKDS system, which facilitates communication between the room and the kitchen, eliminating the need for a traditional form of transmitting information about orders, for example using cards. Now employees can send orders with one click and precisely mark the stage of their preparation - in different colors - and after preparation send a notification to the waiter. Thanks to this, orders are delivered to customers at 21% faster, and all this translates into greater guest satisfaction with their visit to the complex.

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What system features helped the food court?

Individual software functionalities have improved many activities in Montownia. Here are the solutions that fit perfectly into the complex.

Yellow dots

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