Mini Case Study

The use of Vero on the example of a retail outlet - J&M Market grocery store

The use of Vero on the example of a retail outlet - J&M Market grocery store
The use of Vero on the example of a retail outlet - J&M Market grocery store

Mini Case Study

The use of Vero on the example of a retail outlet - J&M Market grocery store

Comprehensive POS kit in one device
Small and compact size of the device
The cheapest solution on the market


Częstochowa, Poland


Retail sales


Kasy Fiskalne Jolanta Częstochowa

About the J&M Market store and the challenges of the premises

J&M Market is a grocery store located in Czestochowa. Its assortment includes meat, fish and cold cuts sold by weight, as well as sweets or beverages. The newly opened store is also its owner's first business of this type. For this reason, he wanted to find a solution that would support the operation of the business, be innovative and proven, and come out beneficially priced.

The nature of the business and the sale of products by weight also required that the solution he was looking for have the necessary interfaces to connect a scale, integrated additionally with the sales system. The software had to allow fast menu configuration and ongoing updating of all changes made, due to the store's ever-expanding assortment. In addition, it was important that any description could be entered for the configured products, allowing information about their composition, origin or manufacturer to be added. The system also had to guarantee remote access to necessary sales data and allow the owner to control the store remotely at all times.


In response to the needs of the J&M Market shop, Partner Kasy Fiskalne Jolanta Częstochowa decided to implement the Posnet Vero device together with the GoPOS system.

Vero - a comprehensive all-in-one kit

A combination of fiscal printer, POS platform, GoPOS sales system that also provides integration with payment terminal.

Small device - big savings

The Posnet Vero device chosen by the store is a combination of a fiscal printer, POS platform, GoPOS sales system, which also provides integration with a payment terminal. As a result, the POS saved much more space, and the small and handy Vero perfectly responded to the needs of a small retail store. What's more, the low cost of this full sales station, compared to traditional sets, also resulted in significant savings. The purchase of the printer involved an expenditure of only PLN 1999, and on top of that the store still pays the corresponding sales software subscription.

GoPOS - a universal system, also perfect for the retail industry

GoPOS sales system is a solution that responded to the needs of retail business. Thanks to the versatility of the software's application, it can also be seamlessly adapted to retail stores. Already during the configuration of the system, the owner was able to choose his type of business, so the software automatically adapted to its characteristics and needs.

Sales efficient and flawless

The implemented solution has also made the staff's work easier. The intuitive system does not require lengthy implementations, and is very easy to use. Sales are made in few clicks, which significantly speeds up the entire process, eliminating the need to punch in individual items via codes, which is often the case with traditional cash registers.

The ability to attach a scale to the device and its complete integration with the sales system has responded to the business challenge and helped to significantly speed up sales. When products like cold cuts or fish are weighed, their weight data is sent directly to the application, which automatically converts the value into a specified amount. The convenience of this functionality is also appreciated by employees, and as a result - they make significantly fewer mistakes.

Always up-to-date grocery store menu

The GoPOS system allowed for fast and convenient configuration of the store's menu and all newly emerging items. Due to the store's ever-expanding assortment, the sales software also had to provide the ability to configure an unspecified number of products and to receive all changes or new items on a regular basis. The process of adding items to the system is very simple and instant, and after saving the changes made, all information shows up immediately in the sales application.

Quote mark

We decided to equip our newly opened store in Vero with the GoPOS system. It was definitely a good choice. The device is small and handy, so it doesn't take up much space on the counter. The app, on the other hand, provides quick sales and makes it easy to manage the outlet, even when away from it. It is also efficient to update the menu of our point, which was important due to the constantly expanding assortment. Integration with the scales is also an advantage - now, when selling cold cuts or fish, we don't have to manually enter data into the system, which reduces time and makes the whole process easier.

Owner of J&M Market store

Product descriptions and composition in one place

Selling products such as meat, cold cuts and fish requires businesses to have access to the complete composition of the products offered, and sometimes also information about the manufacturer. Such data is now conveniently stored in the sales system. When configuring the products being sold, the owner can add any description of the products, including information about the composition, origin or manufacturer of the item. During the sale, the employee has an easy view of such information and can inform the customer of all the necessary data.

Control of sales even off-premises

GoPOS has also provided easy access to current sales reports for the J&M Market store owner. Thanks to the system, he has access to both the standard cash register report, thanks to which he can view the daily course of sales, the value of the turnover and all transactions carried out, as well as extensive analyses of the sales of the offered products on specific days and hours, the popularity of particular items, or the payment methods most frequently chosen by customers. On this basis, it can precisely analyze the condition of the store and better plan the appropriate amount of goods. As a result, sales are never unnecessarily endured. Access to the necessary analysis is also possible remotely, from any personal device with Internet access, which has made it easier for the owner to constantly control the business even when away from it.

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Key advantages of Vero for retail outlets like grocery stores

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