Case Study

Gospoda u Olejorzy achieved a 38% increase in order value thanks to solutions from GoPOS,

Gospoda u Olejorzy achieved a 38% increase in order value thanks to solutions from GoPOS,
Gospoda u Olejorzy achieved a 38% increase in order value thanks to solutions from GoPOS,

Case Study

Gospoda u Olejorzy achieved a 38% increase in order value thanks to solutions from GoPOS,

Increase in order value by
Shorter waiting time for order by
Smoother flow of information about


Speeding up service and improving communication in the premises




Małe Ciche, Poronin, Poland

About the Gospoda u Olejorzy restaurant

Gospoda u Olejorzy is located on the Zgorzelisko glade, at the top of the Małe Ciche ski station. It is one of the most beautiful viewpoints over the whole panorama from the High Tatras to the Western Tatras.

The Małe Ciche ski station has been in operation since 2006 and is one of the most modern structures of its kind in Poland. Every winter it attracts crowds of skiers, for whom the inn is the best place to have a warm and delicious lunch.

The Inn at Olejorzy is located in a classic highland wooden building with modern gastronomic equipment. The interior in highland style, friendly atmosphere, friendly and professional staff make sure that the time spent in the premises will leave customers with the best memories.

The restaurant offers hot meals as well as snacks and desserts. The well-equipped bar meets the expectations of even the most demanding customers.

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Gospoda u Olejorzy is a place at the top of the Małe Ciche ski station with the most beautiful viewpoints of the entire panorama of the Tatra Mountains. For this reason, especially during the peak season, our number of guests increases year by year. However, we know that warm, home-made meals and a nice atmosphere are not everything. Nowadays, openness to new technologies is the basis of a successful business. Faster sales, more efficient waiter service, constant access to analyzes and reports are the aspects that allow us - entrepreneurs - to serve customers even more efficiently. We want to meet the needs of both guests and employees by creating an excellent gastronomic point that focuses on technology, thus maintaining the unchanged highland atmosphere.

Gospoda u Olejorzy


Improvement of the operation of the premises

When opening the restaurant, Gospoda u Olejorzy used a standard sales system that limited access to many functionalities. Without modern software, the premises had no reporting and business management capabilities, and were characterized by a limited real view of all data - including sales - less employee control and slower settlements. The previous system also did not have the option of expanding with additional modules and access to current updates. This hindered the development of the premises and limited access to advanced business analytics.

To improve the operation of the premises, it was necessary to find a way to automate all activities using one system. Support was sought for managers and owners who could control the business even away from it, which was impossible with the previous POS system. It was necessary to introduce a solution that would provide remote access to all information stored in a secure cloud, enable the creation of any reports and sales summaries, and thus improve the management of the premises in all current aspects.

Sales during the pandemic

The pandemic was a difficult time for the catering industry. Gospoda u Olejorzy was looking for a solution that would help it reach customers despite the restrictions in force. They were looking for tools that would allow the transition from traditional sales and customer service to non-contact service and execution of takeaway orders.

In addition, it was important that the introduced solution also changed the way of accepting and describing orders. Such a tool should facilitate their receipt and execution in the kitchen, by assigning numbers to orders. The kitchen should know what number it issues for the dispenser, and the dispenser should be easily located by the number of a specific customer.

Accelerating guest service

Due to the increased traffic, when the situation returned to normal after the pandemic, they were looking for a solution that would improve both the receipt of orders and the flow of information between waiters and the room and the kitchen. The challenge turned out to be the current, time-consuming work system for waiters. They were obliged to manually enter data into the POS each time and then forward orders to the kitchen. This process significantly slowed down the service - extending the time of individual orders and exposing the staff to many unnecessary errors.

The restaurant also wanted , to provide guests with the ability to browse the entire menu directly on their smartphones, which would provide the convenience that today's consumer expects.

It was also important to be able to manage the menu more flexibly. The restaurant needed both the ability to receive all changes on an ongoing basis and to freely configure the menu. This would not only help improve the introduction of new products, but also save on printing new paper cards.

Faster and automated warehouse management

Due to its location, Gospoda u Olejorzy had difficulties in quickly replenishing inventory. Therefore, the place needed a tool that would improve the management of goods and warehouse.

A solution was sought, which would allow it to be managed comprehensively - from ongoing inventory control, to appropriate planningof purchases of the most necessary goods in advance. Additionally, the solution sought should also support the process of calculating FoodCost, i.e. the costs of producing goods and applying margins, and facilitate the control of expenses through access to reports and analyzes regarding the consumption of individual raw materials.


Taking into account the above challenges, we decided to introduce innovative tools that effectively responded to the needs of Gospoda u Olejorzy.

GoPOS sales system, a fast and intuitive tool that improves sales and management

The investment in GoPOS has allowed Gospoda u Olejorzy to gain many business-supporting functionalities. The introduced solutions have facilitated the management of the premises. Currently, thanks to the system, owners and people managers generate analyzes and reports for any selected period and constantly monitor sales in the restaurant, which speeds up settlements and purchasing decisions. Managers also control their employees more easily. They have an ongoing overview of who among the staff is currently working, as well as when people check in and out of work. The owners fully manage the catering point even far away from it, using only Internet access and any personal device.

Additionally, software sales has improved the entire process of handling orders, and the time of entering them into the system has been significantly shortened and can be done in just 3 steps. Thanks to this, the waiter - Runner is able to move to customer service even faster and deliver drinks ordered by guests, directly to their tables. This brings benefits both to the premises by increasing the turnover on the account, as customers can order more, and to benefits to the customers by increasing their satisfaction due to the quick execution of the order.

The GoPOS system also influenced the staff's work order by assigning waiters to serve selected tables, thanks to which each of them can ensure the highest quality of their services and organize their working time more reliably. The use of the GoPOS system does not require long-term implementations, it is simple and intuitive, and new employees can start working with it immediately.

GoOrder with E-menu, as support for self-service and takeaway orders

In order to survive the pandemic period, Gospoda decided to use GoOrder, its own order processing platform, fully integrated with the GoPOS system. It allowed for maintaining sales during the pandemic, and currently it is an additional support for order processing. GoOrder has automated the flow of information, enabling its collection in one place, directly on the POS screen.

Customers of Gospoda u Olejorzy can simply place an order directly via dedicated online store - using any device with Internet access. This allows you to conveniently and contactlessly orderyour favorite menu items.

When the restrictions related to the pandemic were lifted and the restaurant returned for on-site service, Gospoda u Olejorzy decided to abandon paper versions of its menu and replace it with an electronic one. E-menu - innovative QR codes introduced placed on tables which, after scanning, allow convenient viewing of the restaurant's menu directly from customers' smartphones.

The system shows the inn's full menu along with additions to individual items, which motivates guests to place larger orders. The virtual menu allows you to make quick modifications to the menu and personalize it in terms of appearance by placing photos and descriptions of individual dishes, as well as assigning them to appropriate categories. Thanks to this, the restaurant's menu has become even more transparent. The E-menu also allowed us to save money because the Gospoda does not have to worry about printing a paper menu each time.

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GoOrder with E-menu is the perfect solution for our restaurant. At the beginning, it supported our premises during the pandemic, which allowed us to quickly switch to self-service sales, and now it continues to facilitate customer service. When switching from classic table menus to E-menu, we did not expect that it would improve the operation of the premises so much and, above all, that it would be positively received by customers. This is a huge convenience and, importantly, speeds up the execution of orders.

Gospoda u Olejorzy

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GoStock - support for better management of purchased goods

The GoStock warehouse system has improved the control of stock levels and eliminating any shortages on time. By receiving notifications about products that are not selling, management raw materials is now handled precisely, and the premises - even due to its location - are able to provide the appropriate amount of goods in advance.

In addition, Gospoda u Olejorzy now has constant access to analyzes and detailed purchase and delivery reports - from any device with Internet access. Supervises its warehouses on an ongoing basis and easily calculates FoodCost. All this supports purchasing decisions. GoStock also contributed to greater savings, because it reduced the incidence of situations in which the premises had expired or unprofitable goods.


The transition from a standard POS to the subscription GoPOS system has greatly improved the current operation of the premises. Thanks to reports on staff work - the manager settles employees faster, saving money up to 10 hours per month. The system also generates analyzes with the necessary information in the form of summaries and charts in a few seconds, which allowed the time necessary to prepare such data to be reduced by 42%. Possibility to manage the premises from a computer or any device personal data now allows remote control of the company, employees and completed transactions - from any selected place. All data, such as the sales of individual dishes or the most frequently chosen payment methods, are generated automatically and stored in a safe cloud. Integration with the terminal improved the receipt and settlement of payments. The introduced solution reduced errors resulting from manually entering the amount into the terminal by 35%.

Saving the manager's time on settlements by
Shorter time spent on analysis by
Limiting errors in ongoing transactions by

Choosing GoOrder allowed the restaurant to maintain sales during the pandemic, which enabled it to go through the difficult time of the greatest restrictions without any problems. Despite the end of the pandemic, GoOrder continues to support the restaurant. This solution, together with E-menu, regularly contributes to high sales due to improved order fulfillment.

The tool allows owners to make quick modifications to the card, and is placed on modern QR codes on tables easily take guests to the virtual menu. The electronic menu has also significantly improved the restaurant's sales results. The system suggests possible additions to various dishes from the offer, which allows for an increase in the value of bills by 38%, as well as an increase in the premises' revenue by 48%.

Greater revenue of the premises by
Increase in order value by
Improved customer satisfaction by

Mobilny Waiter accelerated guest service time by 32%. The average waiting time for customers to receive ordered dishes decreased by 8 minutes and to receive the bill by 3 minutes. This resulted in faster table turnover, by up to 28%. The introduced solutions effectively improved waiter work and service. Now waiters can serve guests even faster and achieve more orders in less time. Such changes had a positive impact on consumer satisfaction as well as the frequency of visits to Gospoda u Olejorza.

Service speed increase by
Shorter waiting time for orders by
Faster table rotation by

Thanks to GoStock, the restaurant manages stock levels more precisely and plans future purchases better. Notifications about products that are not selling allow you to save money by reducing expenses on selected raw materials and purchasing those that are most frequently used. Gospoda u Olejorzy can now regularly provide the appropriate amount of goods in advance. Such inventory control allowed eliminating any shortages on time by up to 20%. Thanks to GoStock, there are no cases of expired or unprofitable products in the restaurant. This, in turn, contributed to increase in savings by 14%.

Out-of-stock reduction by
Saving time for inventory control at
Saving money on wasted goods o
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When creating our system, we pay attention primarily to ensuring that it provides guests not only with comprehensive solutions, but also ones that are tailored directly to their individual requirements. Each venue is different and its challenges vary depending on your needs. At Gospoda u Olejorzy, we managed to speed up customer service, facilitate the work of staff and increase the increase in the value of orders. We have enriched the solutions with a warehouse system that effectively improves warehouse control and allows for greater savings in the Inn.

Grzegorz Kożuchowski

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What features of the system helped the restaurant?

Individual software functionalities have improved many activities at Gospoda u Olejorzy. Here are the solutions that fit perfectly in the premises.

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