Cash register or fiscal printer?

Among the sales devices available on the market, two solutions dominate - a cash register or a fiscal printer with a POS terminal. Each of these options has its own individual features and slightly different capabilities. Which will work better for your business? Check out the differences between these devices and choose the best one for your premises!

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 Cash register or fiscal printer?
Among the sales devices available on the market, two solutions do

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Cash register and fiscal printer - learn more about both solutions!

How do cash registers and printers work? Learn more about fiscal devices!

What exactly is a fiscal cash register?

What exactly is a fiscal cash register?

A fiscal cash register is a device used to record the sale of products and services. Confirmation of the transaction carried out is a fiscal receipt printed by the cash register. Among the most important elements of each cash register are the printer and the fiscal module, used to record the operations carried out.

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Fiscal printer - what is it?

Fiscal printer - what is it?

A fiscal printer, like a cash register - is used to record sales for tax purposes. However, it performs this function thanks to a computer program installed on the POS device. The entire database of sold goods and services is stored in the system, and in addition the program provides a number of additional functions that a fiscal cash register does not allow. It allows, among other things, control of outgoings, current inventory updates, management of personnel work, issuance of VAT invoices or generation of analysis and sales reports.

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Check out the comparison of cash register and fiscal printer!

What is worth choosing - a cash register or a fiscal printer? Learn the differences and decide what will work best for you!

Cash register

  • It works independently without additional devices.
  • It basically allows you to record sales, generate fiscal receipts and reports for the Tax Office.
  • Lower price of the device.
  • The database of products and services is programmed directly on the fiscal cash register.
  • Memory to create a database of several to tens of thousands of items.
  • Goods are released only after the sales are read from the device through the warehouse software.
  • Allows you to print only fiscal documents.

Fiscal printer

  • It works with POS terminal and sales system.
  • Integration with the system provides more functions, such as for the warehouse and advanced reports.
  • More expensive device - more savings in the long run.
  • The product database is created through a computer program.
  • Memory to ensure the creation of a database containing up to several hundred thousand items.
  • Automatic distribution of products when issuing a receipt.
  • It also prints non-fiscal documents, such as tickets.
Get 700 PLN reimbursement for your device purchase!

Get 700 PLN reimbursement for your device purchase!

No matter what equipment you decide on - a cash register or a fiscal printer - you are entitled to a tax office rebate for the purchase of fiscal equipment online. You can get 90% of the equivalent of the price of the equipment, but the refund cannot exceed PLN 700. All you need to do is keep the invoice confirming the purchase of the equipment and proof of payment. You will deduct the relief from your income tax on a monthly basis through the VAT-7 return or on a quarterly basis with the VAT-7K return.

Vero - an alternative to the cash register and a regular printer!

Vero - an alternative to the cash register and a regular printer!

The Posnet Vero is a compromise between the compact dimensions of the cash register and the functional capabilities of the printer together with the POS terminal and sales system. The device is an All in One solution, combining a fiscal printer, POS sales platform and GoPOS sales system, which also provides integration with a payment terminal. In addition, thanks to its small size, Vero will be ideal for small points of sale.

  • Attractive price - as low as PLN 1999!
  • Compact dimensions
  • Sales in just 3 clicks thanks to the GoPOS system
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