Integrating GoPOS - Smart Delivery Track

Deliver orders and deliveries more efficiently with the Smart Delivery Track integration! Monitor the performance of your suppliers and keep track of every registered delivery order. Check how long your deliveries actually take and assign your employees more precisely thanks to real-time traffic data.

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 Integrating GoPOS - Smart Delivery Track 
Deliver orders and deliveries more efficiently with

We have been trusted by 3000+Restaurants, Clubs & Pubs

Manage your deliveries more efficiently!

Use the integration to speed up your delivery times and make them more efficient.

Improve supplier performance

Improve supplier performance

Use the app and get information about the exact routes. Plan them more precisely and assign suppliers with a single click, based on the data received.

  • Monitor in real time every accepted order on delivery
  • Set delivery statuses instantly in just a few clicks
  • Get suggestions on the order of each order
  • Check each driver's estimated return time from the route and distribute other tasks, such as food preparation in the kitchen, more efficiently

Inspirujące treści dla rozwoju Twojego biznesu - całkowicie za darmo!

Wspieramy Twój rozwój biznesowy na każdym kroku. Sprawdź wartościowe treści i praktyczne wskazówki, które przygotowaliśmy z myślą o Tobie.

Strefa Eksperta - miejsce Twojego rozwoju!

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Sprawdź teraz
Sprzedawaj i zarabiaj na dostawach w swoim lokalu

Wszystko, czego potrzebujesz by sprzedawać online z sukcesem. Sprawdź teraz!

Pobierz e-book
Zautomatyzuj dostawy!

Poznaj tajniki skutecznej organizacji dostaw z różnych aplikacji marketplace oraz własnego sklepu online.

Oglądaj webinar
Strefa Eksperta - miejsce Twojego rozwoju!

Ucz się, rozwijaj i inspiruj od ekspertów, z naszych webinarów, podcastów i artykułów.

Sprawdź teraz
Gain access to data and reports

Gain access to data and reports

Make better decisions with the analytics available from combining these two tools. Monitor supplier performance and reward them appropriately for hours and kilometres worked.

  • Hold your drivers accountable with data on the actual distance driven
  • Get statistics that help you motivate your team and reward them for a job well done
  • See where your customers are most likely to order and make informed marketing decisions
Influence guest satisfaction

Influence guest satisfaction

Improve your customers' experience. Increase their satisfaction with smooth delivery and keep them informed of potential delays.

  • Provide accurate information on the status of orders
  • Keep your customers informed about real delivery times
  • Remember - the faster the delivery, the more likely your customers are to order again!
Fulfil orders faster by
Speed up delivery times by
Settle accounts with suppliers more efficiently by

Get your integrations now!

Fill in the form below and a GoPOS specialist will help you choose the best solution for your business.

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Check out more delivery solutions from GoPOS!

Check out more delivery solutions from GoPOS!

You too can fulfil your orders online! Set up your own online shop or use a third-party platform and increase your profits with more sales channels!

  • Create a commission-free shop with GoOrder
  • Take all orders at your POS, thanks to integrations with portals like Uber Eats, Glovo, and Wolt
  • Receive phone orders with your switchboard
  • Discover more useful delivery solutions for your business
See more

Discover all the advantages of the available solutions!

GoPOS integration

Check out other applications available in GoPOS!

We are constantly developing our offer and enriching it with newer and newer integrations. See what more you can find in our Delivery solutions.

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